there yeah hey I’m was thinking the word talk about whatcha up history and now I was a brief because I’ve been online for 23 years and that’s royal ass. that makes me feel even older chicks constantly changing herds 23 years.
so I’m me back in the day and everything was Yahoo, there was barely Google, or maybe Google wasn’t even around. you had your mail and that was the magic love. you know, the 90’s and early 2000’s; everyone went to ask dot com and you know some great people still use duct tape.
huh Alex and I still talk to him occasionally but he’s always busy right now. she actually lives picture blocks from me and Natalie and her fourth class Chris. the last one is actually my husband, James.
because back then it was still dial up, everything else wasn’t anything at the founder. it was in its amazing pink to be seeing all these people role-playing, under the strict rules that you a creepy for yourself and for everybody else.
but that’s a brief history. you know the major points on the Internet, whatever. one good site comes around there’s like fifteen other porn sites to get creative. so that’s about it and I will see you next time okay I